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Principles of Design


Overall Unity (defined as when the viewer can"grasp the essence of the 'big picture' without being distracted by the individual elements of design")

Proximity ("objects that are more likely to be perceived as related when they are positioned close together")
Celebrate summer with Costes en maak jouw eigen travel bord in Costes sfeer. Ter inspiratie kan je deze beelden gebruiken en jouw favoriete items vanaf pinnen. Geef jouw bord de naam #COSTESTRAVEL. Het meest inspirerende bord wint €100 shoptegoed en een travel pakket van Brainy Days! De actie loopt tot 1 juli. Let’s pin and be creative!
★ ★ ★

As a non-coffee drinker, I wonder what a hot chocolate version of this could be like...
These Colorful Arrangements of Mass-Produced Objects Are Supremely Satisfying | The Creators Project
Depth of Field Photography
Forced perspective photography. Fun ideas for photos.
Perceptual Forces 

Symmetrical Balance
Beautiful photography to get inspired by | From up North
Asymmetrical Balance
this photo shows asymmetrical photography because there is more ups on the left than the right
I look around these crowded streets and all I see are similar faces with dimmer expressions
Figure Ground
Psychological Closure
Gestalt principle is used here because it is using the law of common fate where we are associating eating (fork and knife) with drinking a coke as well.


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