1. What is meant by White Balancing a camera?
Because light appears as different colors, White Balancing a camera is essential to make your photos the correct color. White Balancing a camera makes it add the opposite color to the image to make the color temperature neutral. When the White Balance is off, whites appear to be blue or orange.
2. What is considered the "golden hour"?
Golden hour refers to the time just after sunrise or just before sunset. It isn't actually 60 minutes, as the length depends on where you are, what time of year it is, and the weather conditions. The light at these times appears magical. Why is this? Well, the light at this time is in the yellow range of the light spectrum. It also has to travel through more atmosphere than when the sun is at different points in the sky, so the light is softened and reduced.
3. What is the color temperature of daylight, and what is its general hue?
Daylight's color temperature is 5600K at noon, but this varies throughout the day and according to weather conditions. This light also gives off a white/blue hue.
4. What is the color temperature of an interior fluorescent light, and what is its general hue?
An interior fluorescent light has a temperature of 3500K and has a general hue of white. These lights are bright and vibrant.
5. Embed an image of incorrect white balance.
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